Monday, 28 April 2014

How can I manage my money?

Hi everyone. I will be talking on how to manage your money today.

How do you feel when you don't have enough money to spend?
How often do you buy items you can't really afford?
How often do you buy something you don't need just because it is on sale?

Does it seem that you never have quite enough money to spend? If you could get your hands on more, you could buy those shoes you want. If only your salary was higher....

Rather than fret about the money you don't have, why not learn to manage the money that does pass through your hands? You could wait till you leave home to learn how to manage money. But think,would yyou jump out of an aircraft without first learning how to use a parachute? True, a person might be able to figure it all out while hurtling to the earth. How much better, though, if he learned the basic principles of using the devices before jumping out the door!

Similarly, the best time for you to learn to manage money is while you're at home, before the harsh financial realities of confront you. "Money is for protection", wrote King Solomon. (Ecclesiastes 7:12) But money will protect you only if you learn how to control your spending. Doing so will boost your confidence and will increase your respect.

In the hands of a skilled chef, a sharp knife is a useful tool. But the same knife in the hands of someone inexperienced or inattentive can cause serious harm. Money is like a sharp knife. Don't you think so? If you are not careful, you can get hurt! Learn to use money skillfully. Respect it, but don't love it!

Do you know how much it takes to maintain a home? Buying food and the rest of them. A wise man once said that what makes a rich man is not the amount of money he has but the one he saves. Come to think of it. If you don't save, how will you grow rich? To be able to be a good manager of your money, you must be able to save no matter how little. Learn to discipline yourself. When your self control and discipline has gone high tlyou can then take yourself on a treat but within your budget.

A budget is a very essential thing if you want to become an expert money manager. Money managing isn't a skill that will not be benefial to you. It will benefit you at the long run. How you might ask. Okay, let's take it in this point of view. As a married woman, when given a token amount for household items, you will be able to utilize it fully having excess in some cases. By so doing, your husband will consider you an asset not a liability.
As a married man, you will be able to apportion money for different uses in the house without you running into debt.
As a youth, you will be able to have money at your disposal for important undertakings. Not when you are in a dire need of money you start running helther skelter to get it. It will also help you to live a godly life. Are you beginning to see my point?

First, keep a record of the money you have or received.
Then, make a budget by listing all your income and expenditures. By this, you will know when your expenditure exceeds your income and where to adjust.
Adjust your habit. If you're spending more than you anticipated on some items and are accumulating debts, adjust your spending habits. Pay your debts. Stay in control.

Money can be a useful servant if it is properly used. In fact, in most cultures, making and managing money is an important part of life. But try to keep a balanced attitude. "Money has its place, but it is not everything". It should never be put ahead of our family or God.

If you have a problem of managing money and loving it, do down on your knees and ask God in heaven to liberate you and help you because He is our present help in times of trouble.

If you have any question concerning how to manage you money, I will readily be of help. All you have to send your question and it will be answered.

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